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You Can Now Live Stream Tracy Anderson’s Classes


If I had a penny for all the WTF looks I get every time I do Tracy Anderson’s live stream workout at the gym in Tel Aviv! The gym I go to there is pretty much populated by Hulk-like men and they certainly have not seen anything close to Tracy Anderson’s workout. Truth be told, I think they’re more curious than anything – or so I tell myself so I don’t feel so self-conscious about having eyes on me. Two men have already come up to me asking where I got my booty band from (I use it instead of ankle weights). Pretty sure even muscle men want a perky behind!

There are NO good group fitness spots in Tel Aviv and while I have a fantastic trainer there, I can’t see him every day. The live stream, which goes for either $90 a month or $475 for six months, is a great alternative to working out on my own on the days I don’t see my trainer. Every Wednesday a new workout gets posted. The workout includes a short intro, about 90 minutes of standing and mat work led by Tracy (filmed in real time in one of her studios), a cardio workout led by Tracy, and a breakdown led by one of Tracy’s trainers so you’re sure you’re doing the more complicated moves correctly. I’m obsessed with Tracy’s mat moves…literally the best butt moves ever and since my trainer is a former sniper in the IDF, they’re moves I would otherwise not get a chance to do (soldiers in elite army units don’t tend to get on all fours to do leg lifts etc…). Her music selection is also fantastic and perhaps most importantly her workout is actually fun. It sounds lame to say that you’re having fun working out but with Tracy it’s really true. If you can’t afford to work out in one of Tracy’s studios or logistically can’t make it to one of them, I’d highly recommend subscribing to her live stream…for the butt moves alone!!

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