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Feeling Down about Your Legs? Here’s How to Boost Your Self Confidence

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I’ve always been self-conscious about my legs. They’re usually tugged under fabric even when I’m on the beach so, as you might guess, they’re beyond scary white! Time for a spray tan. That’s not all I can do, however, according to Eddie Chaloner, a recognized vascular surgeon in London who pioneered minimally invasive treatment methods for varicose veins. Here he outlines three solutions to common problems. Excuse me while I dial up my Tracy Anderson livestream

Dry Skin
Before you even try to apply a moisturizer, you must prepare your pores properly. Heat can begin the hydration process so start your moisturizing procedure in the shower and let the warmth begin to open your pores. Give your legs a serious scrub to remove all the old dead and dry skin allowing new skin cells to come to the surface. Once you have prepared your skin, apply a moisturizer to ensure your skin remains vibrant and ready for the summer season.

If you woke up one day and realized your upper legs were beginning to look bumpy and you don’t have any idea how it happened, you are not alone. Cellulite can appear at any age but is more likely as you age. This is because, as you age, you begin to lose muscle tone and replace it with fat. Fat doesn’t keep the skin as tough as toned muscle and it is larger than the muscles, giving a bumpy appearance. Find out here how cellulite treatment can help you get rid of unwanted cellulite on your legs.

To combat this phenomenon, you must exercise. Sure, you could pay a visit to your local plastic surgeon, but the healthiest way you can solve your problem is to begin an exercise routine that focuses on your legs and buttocks area. As you re-tone these muscles and burn away some of the fat, the cellulite will begin to vanish and your legs will start to return to a smoother appearance.

Varicose Veins and Spider Veins
Varicose veins and their milder form, spider veins, are generally harmless, even though they may look rather unsightly.  No one knows why some people develop these veins and others do not, but factors such as genetics, estrogen and even progesterone all play a role.

Varicose veins are large, raised blood vessels that most often occur in the legs. In many cases, these veins become twisted, giving them that spider look. While the cause of these veins is largely unknown, we do know that women who must stand for extended periods of time or women who are pregnant are often more likely to develop them.

If you do have them, first you should remember, they are usually harmless. If they are causing you pain or discomfort, you should see a doctor. In most cases, though, there is no need for treatment and natural remedies such as garlic extracts and red wine are known to keep veins under control. But, if you simply hate the way they look, there are new medical solutions available to you to get rid of these veins so you can improve the overall health of your legs.

Sclerotherapy is the standard treatment for varicose and spider veins. The procedure involves injecting a saline solution into the veins, causing them to clump together or clot to become harder to see. The treatment itself is very safe and is relatively pain-free as the injection just feels like a small stick of a needle. In some cases, several treatments will be needed to completely get rid of them all. Talk to your doctor about different options for treatment and your varicose veins condition to decide if the treatment is right for you.

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