Snob Essentials

Poo Pourri: Girls Don’t Poop

Poo Pourri

When I got a press release for Poo Pourri I laughed and forwarded it to a friend (I know, I know…not very mature). To my surprise my friend responded by telling me that it’s a staple in her office and it really works (while she’d kill me if I divulge her name or office, it’s a major fitness brand)! So what exactly is Poo Pourri? It’s a blend of all-natural essential oils that you spray in the toilet before you use the bathroom. The oils create a protective barrier on the toilet water’s surface (basically a film), which traps unpleasant bathroom odors beneath the surface to keep them out of the air; meaning no matter what, the bathroom will remain pretty much devoid of unpleasant odors.

There are a bunch of scents available, each of which retail for $9.95, and each of which comes with the tag line “Spritz the Bowl Before-You-Go and No One Else Will Ever Know” (the brand calls it pooetry!!!).


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