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Mother’s Day Giveaway

母親節大抽獎:Chanel Jumbo翻蓋包哦!

作為一個母親,母親節那天收到最棒的禮物當然是孩子們對她的愛,如果已經有了的話,那第二棒的禮物當然就是一個Chanel Jumbo翻蓋包哦!為了慶祝母親節,這次我們聯合了Designer Vault搞一個母親節大贈送,獎品是一個超美的魚子醬皮面的Jumbo香奈兒包包,價值5500美金哦,是不是很想要!我很希望你能夠贏,如果不行的話,你也可以到這個e-commerce的奢侈品網站上看看你喜歡的東西,當然咯,還是希望你有好運氣啦! CLICK HERE TO ENTER 如果你同意參加抽獎,你也默認同意接收來自Designer Vault和Snob Essentials的郵件哦,這個抽獎為在5月6日的午夜結束,會由電腦自動抽出一名幸運觀眾,嗒噠!請密切註意哦!

Mother’s Day Giveaway

母亲节大抽奖:Chanel Jumbo翻盖包哦!

作为一个母亲,母亲节那天收到最棒的礼物当然是孩子们对她的爱,如果已经有了的话,那第二棒的礼物当然就是一个Chanel Jumbo翻盖包哦!为了庆祝母亲节,这次我们联合了Designer Vault搞一个母亲节大赠送,奖品是一个超美的鱼子酱皮面的Jumbo香奈儿包包,价值5500美金哦,是不是很想要!我很希望你能够赢,如果不行的话,你也可以到这个e-commerce的奢侈品网站上看看你喜欢的东西,当然咯,还是希望你有好运气啦! CLICK HERE TO ENTER 如果你同意参加抽奖,你也默认同意接收来自Designer Vault和Snob Essentials的邮件哦,这个抽奖为在5月6日的午夜结束,会由电脑自动抽出一名幸运观众,嗒哒!请密切注意哦!

Mother’s Day Giveaway

Mother’s Day Giveaway: Chanel Jumbo Flap Bag from Designer Vault!

For a mom, the best gift on Mother’s Day is the love of her children. But since she hopefully already has that, the next best thing is a Chanel Classic Flap bag (in JUMBO)! In honor of the May 8th holiday, we’ve partnered up with Designer Vault to give away just that – a blue Caviar leather Jumbo in excellent condition (estimated retail value: $5,500). I have my fingers crossed that you’ll win, but if you don’t, you’ll want a back-up present; e-commerce luxury consignment boutique Designer Vault has everything from Chanel bags to jewelry to shoes, all of which are sure to delight the finest lady in your life. Besides, if you do win, you’ll get to keep the gift you bought her (or if you’re a really great son or daughter, she’ll have the most memorable Mother’s Day ever!).

The 10 Essential Pieces for a Long Weekend

The 10 Essential Pieces for a Long Weekend

It might sound crazy, but you can go on a long weekend trip with everything comfortably packed in a small 22” carryon and still look perfectly cute every day – with only 10 things. Packing smart is different from packing light. You can pack light by wearing the same things every day and looking like you badly need a shower as a result. But packing smart means looking amazing at every single moment and making it seem like you have your entire wardrobe with you.

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The 10 Essential Pieces for a Long Weekend
Have A Summer Fling with Matte

Have a Summer Fling with Matte

Find out which products you can use to achieve matte skin in the hot summer months…

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Have A Summer Fling with Matte
Puddle Jumpers

Puddle Jumpers: Make Sure Your Tot is Water-Safe

The summer is so fun! You get to spend time outside with your kids, and that’s even more fun when you introduce water. But yikes, with that comes the stress of keeping them safe. It takes all of the excitement away when you’re made to feel that you need an extra set of eyes on your tots around any type of water source. And if you plan on getting on a boat, forget about it; my anxiety levels goes to 11, and I’m on high alert the entire time. The day usually ends with me wondering why my neck and shoulders are in agonizing pain. Were all of my muscles in a vice grip along with my nerves? That’s no way to spend the summer.

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