Snob Essentials
Diet and Exercise
A Helpful Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction

A Helpful Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction

By now we all know that sugar addiction is a major health challenge for Americans (we each consume an average of 140 pounds of sugar and white flour every year), and from personal experience many of us know that going cold turkey usually doesn’t work.

A Quickie Workout Circuit You Can Do On-The-Go

A Quickie Workout Circuit You Can Do On-The-Go

Whether you’re traveling and confined to your hotel room or you simply don’t have time to hit up the gym, we’ve got a quick workout circuit you can do no matter where you find yourself.


Diet and Nightmares: They’re More Related than You Think

Have you ever noticed that you have trouble getting a good night sleep after eating a lot of sugar? I have. And after many nights of sleeping poorly – even after cutting out chocolate late at night – I turned to the culinary nutritionist…


The Food and Skin Connection

It’s bad enough that my waist expands every time I overindulge in sweets (and cereal…my weakness!!! I could eat a whole box!), but my skin goes crazy when my diet gets off track as well. It’s no fun to have blotchy skin…


Diet Pepsi Will No Longer Contain Aspartame…But that’s Not Enough

One of the biggest “jokes” is the fact that Diet Pepsi is called “diet” when countless studies have shown that diet sodas actually lead to weight gain! Despite what Michelle Obama would like you to believe, it’s not just about calories in and calories out…


You Can Now Live Stream Tracy Anderson’s Classes

If I had a penny for all the WTF looks I get every time I do Tracy Anderson’s live stream workout at the gym in Tel Aviv! The gym I go to there is pretty much populated by Hulk-like men and they certainly have not seen anything close to Tracy Anderson’s workout.