Snob Essentials

The Fresh Air Fund: Refresh Your Family

Sometimes it’s important to promote a truly good cause, and this is one of those moments. The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency serving New York City children since 1877, is in need of host families for this summer. Host families are volunteers who open their homes and hearts to city children, giving them … Continue reading “The Fresh Air Fund: Refresh Your Family”


Learning Resources Sorting Suitcase

There are certain games and toys that just attracts tots like no other. You can spend $100 on something your tot looks at once and never again. Or you can buy a $.99 rattle that your tot cannot live without. This Sorting Suitcase is one of the latter cases, although not $.99, the $19.66 will … Continue reading “Learning Resources Sorting Suitcase”


Cranium Cariboo

This is a great educational game that your tots will not be able to cheat at. Not that they intentionally cheat, they just can’t follow all the rules and wait for the next step. If you’ve ever played memory with a young tot, you know what I mean. The Cranium Cariboo has a key that … Continue reading “Cranium Cariboo”


Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kits

I am not one of those competitive moms who push my tots to excel academically above all else. I think kids should be kids and I do not want to take away from them the short precious years when they can just play and be free! But I also think it doesn’t hurt to give … Continue reading “Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kits”


Thames and Kosmos Little Labs: Stepping into Science

I really wished someone inspired me with how fun and interesting science is when I was a tot. Instead, I grew up in fear and trepidation over anything that sounded like physics or calculus. It wasn’t until my early 20’s (and out of school) when I watched Stephen Hawking’s Universe on DVD that I became … Continue reading “Thames and Kosmos Little Labs: Stepping into Science”


Forget Piggy Banks, Try Three Jars

ThreeJars is an online piggy bank that tracks your tots allowance in a fun and interactive way. You set up an account for your tot and input the allowance amount. Your tot then decides how much to spend, save or share (to charity). You approve all the decisions before anything is done. All the money … Continue reading “Forget Piggy Banks, Try Three Jars”